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  • Winner 2021 | Allmänna Sången

    The winner of Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award 2021 has been selected. After reviewing contributions from countries all around the world, the jury has decided to give the award to Gittan Glans for her piece ”When Breathing Like a Bird”. She will receive a prize sum of SEK 50, 000, in addition to having her piece premiered by Allmänna Sången and published by Gehrmans Musikförlag AB. The award ceremony and premiere of the winning piece is scheduled to take place at Allmänna Sången’s anniversary concert on October 23rd, 2021. The jury’s remarks ”The composer shows great knowledge in writing for choir, with smart usage of different compositional techniques. The strong technical foundation, together with a convincing approach to the metaphor of the text, makes this a standout piece, ready for richly nuanced interpretations worldwide.” The composer Gittan Glans is originally from Åsenhöga outside Gnosjö in Småland, Sweden. She has an education as a piano teacher from the music academy in Gothenburg and now works as a freelance musician, arranger, composer and piano teacher at the music academy at Södra Vätterbygdens Folkhögskola (SVF) in Jönköping. As a freelance musician she works across genres and feels at home in everything from jazz, folk music and pop to classical music. She has written music for everything from choir and symphony orchestra to big band and her own trio, Henningson & Glans. During the years 2007–2009 she featured as singer and multi-instrumentalist in the Swedish TV show På spåret. With a background as pianist and arranger, she has begun composing more and more during the last fifteen years, and has written music for choirs such as Jönköpings Kammarkör and Musiklinjens kör at SVF. The winning piece “A single little voice can suffice, and with that carry all of the hope we all need to feel” – so says the text author Marie Winald-Karlström in her comment about her lyrics. ”When breathing like a bird” consists of three parts. The first is playful and illustrates, among other things, raindrops. The second portrays the calm before sunrise. In the third part, the feeling of happiness shines through and the bird gets to give a voice to the big things contained within the small – ”When breathing like a bird”. Words from the winner “Choral music is something that has always been there and shaped my entire music life. I have sung a lot in choirs, such as in Göteborgs Kammarkör under the direction of Gunnar Eriksson. As a chorist you gain an insight into the structure of choirs and choral music, something that I think has inspired me, and that has had a great influence on my writing. In light of this, and because choral music is so dear to my heart, I feel truly honoured and immensely happy to have received this award. Thank you!!!” Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award was arranged for the first time in 2013 when Allmänna Sången celebrated fifty years as a mixed choir. In connection with the anniversary, the choir together with Anders Wall announced a competition for female composers. The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to female composers and their work, and to stimulate the creation of new choir pieces that can enrich and develop modern day choir music. The competition is international and targets female composers irrespective of profession or nationality. All entries are reviewed by a reputable international jury comprised of distinguished composers and conductors. This year, the jury was comprised of Libby Larsen, Ēriks Ešenvalds, Robert Sund and Maria Goundorina. Partners Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award is made possible through a collaboration with Gehrmans Musikförlag AB, together with sponsoring from Kjell och Märta Beijers Stiftelse and Uppsala kommuns kulturnämnd. Contact For more information about future competitions, visit or follow us on social media. Press release (English) Press release (Swedish)

  • Allmänna Sången and Anders Wall Composition Award

    The winner of Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award 2021 has been selected. After reviewing contributions from countries all around the world, the jury has decided to give the award to Gittan Glans for her piece ”When Breathing Like a Bird”. She will receive a prize sum of SEK 50, 000, in addition to having her piece premiered by Allmänna Sången and published by Gehrmans Musikförlag AB. The award ceremony and premiere of the winning piece is scheduled to take place at Allmänna Sången’s anniversary concert on October 23rd, 2021. The jury’s remarks ”The composer shows great knowledge in writing for choir, with smart usage of different compositional techniques. The strong technical foundation, together with a convincing approach to the metaphor of the text, makes this a standout piece, ready for richly nuanced interpretations worldwide.” The composer Gittan Glans is originally from Åsenhöga outside Gnosjö in Småland, Sweden. She has an education as a piano teacher from the music academy in Gothenburg and now works as a freelance musician, arranger, composer and piano teacher at the music academy at Södra Vätterbygdens Folkhögskola (SVF) in Jönköping. As a freelance musician she works across genres and feels at home in everything from jazz, folk music and pop to classical music. She has written music for everything from choir and symphony orchestra to big band and her own trio, Henningson & Glans. During the years 2007–2009 she featured as singer and multi-instrumentalist in the Swedish TV show På spåret. With a background as pianist and arranger, she has begun composing more and more during the last fifteen years, and has written music for choirs such as Jönköpings Kammarkör and Musiklinjens kör at SVF. The winning piece “A single little voice can suffice, and with that carry all of the hope we all need to feel” – so says the text author Marie Winald-Karlström in her comment about her lyrics. ”When breathing like a bird” consists of three parts. The first is playful and illustrates, among other things, raindrops. The second portrays the calm before sunrise. In the third part, the feeling of happiness shines through and the bird gets to give a voice to the big things contained within the small – ”When breathing like a bird”. Words from the winner “Choral music is something that has always been there and shaped my entire music life. I have sung a lot in choirs, such as in Göteborgs Kammarkör under the direction of Gunnar Eriksson. As a chorist you gain an insight into the structure of choirs and choral music, something that I think has inspired me, and that has had a great influence on my writing. In light of this, and because choral music is so dear to my heart, I feel truly honoured and immensely happy to have received this award. Thank you!!!” Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award was arranged for the first time in 2013 when Allmänna Sången celebrated fifty years as a mixed choir. In connection with the anniversary, the choir together with Anders Wall announced a competition for female composers. The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to female composers and their work, and to stimulate the creation of new choir pieces that can enrich and develop modern day choir music. The competition is international and targets female composers irrespective of profession or nationality. All entries are reviewed by a reputable international jury comprised of distinguished composers and conductors. This year, the jury was comprised of Libby Larsen, Ēriks Ešenvalds, Robert Sund and Maria Goundorina. Partners Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award is made possible through a collaboration with Gehrmans Musikförlag AB, together with sponsoring from Kjell och Märta Beijers Stiftelse and Uppsala kommuns kulturnämnd. Contact For more information about future competitions, visit or follow us on social media. Press release (English) Press release (Swedish)

  • ASAWCA Winner 2024

    Uppsala, March 8th, 2024 Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award The winner of Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall C omposition Award 2024 has been selected. After reviewing contributions from countries all around the world, the jury has decided to give the award to Erika Hammarberg for her piece ”En sådan kväll (Such an evening)” based on a poem by Solveig von Schoultz. She will receive a prize sum of SEK 60, 000, in addition to having her piece premiered by Allmänna Sången and published by Gehrmans Musikförlag AB. The award ceremony and premiere of the winning piece is scheduled to take place at Allmänna Sången’s spring concert on May 4th, 2024. The jury’s remarks ”The composition is highly expressive, written in a romantic manner and blends very well with the text. The piece’s central motif is repeated in various ways throughout the well structured composition. The harmonies, including meaningful dissonances, are artfully crafted and seamlessly flow into each other, narrating the story with different atmospheres. The composer has a deep understanding of choral sound and techniques.” The composer Erika Hammarberg moves between jazz and classical music. Her music is characterized by linear melodies, layered rhythmic intensity and harmonies that range from triads to complex clusters. She has composed for jazz orchestra, choir, chamber orchestra and string quartet, and is musical director, pianist, arranger and composer for Elaria Orchestra. She released her debut album Ikigai in 2022. After studying piano pedagogy, Erika embarked on a path through music theory and musical arrangement before pursuing master’s studies in composition at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm under the guidance of both jazz composers and classically oriented teachers such as Örjan Fahlström, Peter Danemo, Johan Hammerth and Ann-Sofi Söderqvist. Erika Hammarberg is an associate professor in composition at Örebro university. Words from the winner – Choral music has been a natural part of me as a musician and composer since childhood. As my artistic focus lies in composing for acoustic instruments, I often and gladly compose for choir. – I want to cherish the Swedish choral tradition. I also believe that it is important for new and exciting choral music to be continuously composed and performed worldwide. Therefore, this award is a nice initiative for continued development, and I am very proud and honoured to receive it! – Solveig von Shoultz’s poem conveys strong emotions and a clear identity. For me, the text has gradually shifted from describing resting after a long day’s work to be about death. Perhaps this transformation can be heard in the end of the piece, with the final journey sensed towards the end? I improvised the music’s form, motif and sound at the piano while reading the text. Luckily, I recorded it with my phone! Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award was arranged for the first time in 2013 when Allmänna Sången celebrated fifty years as a mixed choir. In connection with the anniversary, the choir together with Anders Wall announced a competition for female composers. The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to female composers and their work, and to stimulate the creation of new choir pieces that can enrich and develop modern day choir music. The competition is international and targets female composers irrespective of profession or nationality. All entries are reviewed by a reputable international jury comprised of distinguished composers and conductors. This year, the jury was comprised of av Nana Forte, John Høybye, Robert Sund and Maria Go undorina. Partners Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award is made possible through a collaboration with Gehrmans Musikförlag AB and sponsoring from Kjell och Märta Beijers Stiftelse. Contact For more information about future competitions, visit orfollow us on social media. Press release (English) Press release (Swedish)

  • Allmänna Sången and Anders Wall Composition Award

    Vinnaren av Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award 2019 är korad. Den välrenommerade juryn har granskat bidrag från 16 olika länder, och utsett vinnaren Eva Holm Foosnæs från Norge. I sitt stycke “The Black Monkey” har hon utgått från Katherine Mansfields dikt med samma namn. Prisutdelningen och uruppförandet av vinnarstycket kommer att äga rum i Uppsala den 25 maj 2019 under Allmänna Sångens årliga vårkonsert. Priset uppgår till 50 000 kr, diplomering samt utgivning av stycket av Gehrmans Musikförlag. Juryns motivering “Med ett väldigt fint öra för de olika karaktärerna och stämningarna i texten har Eva Holm Foosnæs skapat en imponerande dramatisk komposition med en god känsla för musikalisk form samt med en humoristisk ton. Kompositionen uppvisar en blandning av traditionell harmonik och mer ovanliga element såsom intressanta glissandi och taleffekter. Tonsättaren använder den blandade körens resurser på ett mycket begåvat sätt och ger plats för alla 8 stämmor att synas och höras under verkets gång. Genom att undvika alla extremer i notation och röstanvändning har Eva Holm Foosnæs skapat en mycket användbar komposition som kommer att vara tillgänglig för många blandade körer världen över.” Tonsättaren Eva Holm Foosnæs är ursprungligen från Steinkjer, Norge. Hon är utbildad till pianist och kompositör vid Musikkonservatoriet i Trondheim, vid Conservatorio di Musica di Perugia, Italien, samt Robert Schumann Hochschule für Musik i Düsseldorf, Tyskland. Idag är hon verksam i Trondheim som frilansande arrangör, tonsättare, repetitör och ackompanjatör. Eva är dirigent för den prisbelönta kammarkören Aurum, som främst arbetar med nyskriven skandinavisk musik. Hon är även konstnärlig ledare för Opera di Setra and Oslokspelet i Tylldalen. Som kompositör har hon skrivit mest musik för kör, men även för scen, opera och teater, däribland för Propellen Teater, Trøndelag Teater och Lillehammer Litteraturfestival. Vinnarstyckets text The Black Monkey är baserad på Nya Zeeländska Katherine Mansfields (1888-1923) dikt med samma namn. För tonsättaren beskriver dikten en liten flicka, Babbles, kallad så på grund av sitt "babblande". Istället för att lyssna på sina föräldrar vid läggdags får hon flera infall, som om hon var styrd av en "svart apa". För Eva blev den svarta apan i dikten en symbol för en flickas uppror, förklarar Eva. Ord från vinnaren “Mitt hjärta brinner för körsång, såväl som dirigent, kompositör, som utövare och åhörare. Vår långa tradition som körnationer här i Skandinavien är något att vara stolta över. Det är därför extra fint att det finns eldsjälar som Allmänna Sången som arrangerar och organiserar en tävling för kvinnliga kompositörer. Det är mig en stor glädje och ära att få motta priset. Tack!” Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award arrangerades första gången år 2013 då Allmänna Sången firade femtio år som blandad kör. I samband med jubileet utlyste kören tillsammans med Anders Wall denna tonsättartävling som är inriktad på kvinnliga tonsättare. Tävlingen har till syfte att uppmärksamma kvinnliga tonsättare och deras arbete, samt att stimulera skapandet av ny konstmusik som kan berika och utveckla vår tids körmusicerande. Tävlingen är internationell och riktar sig mot kvinnliga tonsättare oavsett yrke eller nationalitet. Bidragen granskas av en välrenommerad internationell jury som består av framstående dirigenter och tonsättare. Detta år bestod juryn av Lone Larsen, Vaclovas Augustinas, Maria Goundorina och Robert Sund. Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award kommer att hållas igen år 2021. För mer information, se , maila projektledare, eller följ oss i sociala medier. Samarbetspartners Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award har möjliggjorts genom samarbete med Gehrmans Musikförlag AB samt stöd från Kjell och Märta Beijers Stiftelse och Uppsala kommuns kulturnämnd. Pressmeddelande (svenska) Press release (english)

  • Winner 2024 | Allmänna Sången

    Uppsala, March 8th, 2024 Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award The winner of Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall C omposition Award 2024 has been selected. After reviewing contributions from countries all around the world, the jury has decided to give the award to Erika Hammarberg for her piece ”En sådan kväll (Such an evening)” based on a poem by Solveig von Schoultz. She will receive a prize sum of SEK 60, 000, in addition to having her piece premiered by Allmänna Sången and published by Gehrmans Musikförlag AB. The award ceremony and premiere of the winning piece is scheduled to take place at Allmänna Sången’s spring concert on May 4th, 2024. The jury’s remarks ”The composition is highly expressive, written in a romantic manner and blends very well with the text. The piece’s central motif is repeated in various ways throughout the well structured composition. The harmonies, including meaningful dissonances, are artfully crafted and seamlessly flow into each other, narrating the story with different atmospheres. The composer has a deep understanding of choral sound and techniques.” The composer Erika Hammarberg moves between jazz and classical music. Her music is characterized by linear melodies, layered rhythmic intensity and harmonies that range from triads to complex clusters. She has composed for jazz orchestra, choir, chamber orchestra and string quartet, and is musical director, pianist, arranger and composer for Elaria Orchestra. She released her debut album Ikigai in 2022. After studying piano pedagogy, Erika embarked on a path through music theory and musical arrangement before pursuing master’s studies in composition at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm under the guidance of both jazz composers and classically oriented teachers such as Örjan Fahlström, Peter Danemo, Johan Hammerth and Ann-Sofi Söderqvist. Erika Hammarberg is an associate professor in composition at Örebro university. Words from the winner – Choral music has been a natural part of me as a musician and composer since childhood. As my artistic focus lies in composing for acoustic instruments, I often and gladly compose for choir. – I want to cherish the Swedish choral tradition. I also believe that it is important for new and exciting choral music to be continuously composed and performed worldwide. Therefore, this award is a nice initiative for continued development, and I am very proud and honoured to receive it! – Solveig von Shoultz’s poem conveys strong emotions and a clear identity. For me, the text has gradually shifted from describing resting after a long day’s work to be about death. Perhaps this transformation can be heard in the end of the piece, with the final journey sensed towards the end? I improvised the music’s form, motif and sound at the piano while reading the text. Luckily, I recorded it with my phone! Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award was arranged for the first time in 2013 when Allmänna Sången celebrated fifty years as a mixed choir. In connection with the anniversary, the choir together with Anders Wall announced a competition for female composers. The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to female composers and their work, and to stimulate the creation of new choir pieces that can enrich and develop modern day choir music. The competition is international and targets female composers irrespective of profession or nationality. All entries are reviewed by a reputable international jury comprised of distinguished composers and conductors. This year, the jury was comprised of av Nana Forte, John Høybye, Robert Sund and Maria Go undorina. Partners Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award is made possible through a collaboration with Gehrmans Musikförlag AB and sponsoring from Kjell och Märta Beijers Stiftelse. Contact For more information about future competitions, visit or follow us on social media. Press release (English) Press release (Swedish)

  • SPRING CONCERT 2023 | Allmänna Sången

    Nu är kommen den lyckliga tid! Det är äntligen vår och dags för Allmänna Sångens 171:a vårkonsert, som i år genomförs under ledning av Erik Westberg. Varmt välkommen till Universitetsaulan den 13 maj, där vi tillsammans kommer få njuta av ett vårligt program bestående av både tradition och innovation. I år har vi också glädjen att samarbeta med den välkända Malvakvartetten. Tillsammans kommer vi bland annat framföra Fancies av Sven-Erik Johansson, anpassad för stråkkvartett av Isak Lundberg. Efter konserten samlas vi utanför aulan för den traditionella trappmarschen, en av Allmänna Sångens äldsta och ståtligaste traditioner som genomfördes första gången kort efter körens grundande 1830. Lördag 13 maj klockan 15.00 i Universitetsaulan 200–295 kr ordinari e, 150 kr student, barn Biljetter köper du på > >

  • GIIA 2019 | Allmänna Sången

    Allmänna Sångens och studenternas Gustav II Adolfsfirande Bakgrunden till firandet är den s.k. Gustavianska donationen år 1624 i vilken Gustav II Adolf till universitetet i Uppsala donerade närmare 400 gårdar men även torp, kvarnar och ängar. Donationen säkrade universitetets fortlevnad och än idag bidrar avkastning från den till att främja forskning och annan verksamhet vid universitetet. Minnet av Donatorn och dennes även med dagens mått enorma donation högtidlighålls årligen av Uppsalas studenter på hans dödsdag. Firandet inleds 19:00 med tal och sångarhyllning i Odinslund och därefter håller författaren Lars Munkhammar ett föredrag om Gustav Adolf och böckerna, ett föredrag om Gustav II Adolfs roll i skapandet av Uppsala universitetsbibliotek på Kalmar nation. Där kommer även Gustav II Adolfbakelser finnas att köpa. Måndagen den 6:e november kl 19 vid obelisken i Odinslund. PROGRAM Kl 19.00 Studenternas fackeltåg Sångframträdande av Allmänna sången Plats: Obelisken i Odinslund Ca kl 19.30 Efter ceremonin i Odinslund följer en föreläsning av Lars Munkhammar författare till flera böcker om Silverbibeln föredrag om Gustav Adolf och böckerna. Plats: Kalmar nation Fika finns att köpa. Varmt välkomna! Var / Obelisken i Odinslund När / 6 november 19:00 Inträde / Fri entré Dirigent / Maria Goundorina GIIA

  • Valborgsbal 2022 | Allmänna Sången

    Allmänna Sången Walpurgis Ball! After a break of three years, it is finally time for Allmänna Sången, the oldest academic choir in Northern Europe, to once again welcome everyone back to the traditional Walpurgis Ball at Uppsala castle. With daylight returning and hearts and minds thawing, we present to you the crown jewel of springtime celebrations. For many years the Walpurgis Ball has been organised by Allmänna Sången and open to the public to participate as part of the annual spring celebrations in Uppsala being held on the last day of April. After the dinner, Allmänna Sången will be performing live through the Swedish broadcasting service Sveriges Radio at Gunillaklockan outside of Uppsala castle; an unbroken tradition since 1830. This is a golden opportunity to experience a real ball at the castle, with all its splendor you could imagine. You will be part of an evening of beautiful traditions, a three-course dinner, dancing to a big band and making new memories for a lifetime. The ball is open to everyone above 18 years of age, and no student nation card is required. Let the fairy tale come true for a night and go to the Walpurgis Ball with Allmänna Sången. DETAILS ABOUT THE BALL The tickets to the dinner was sold throughout 13th of April. The formal dinner starts with an aperitif served from 16:00 Prices: 1050 SEK (ordinary) / 900 SEK (student) The price includes an aperitif, three-course dinner incl. beverages and a ticket to the party after the dinner incl. midnight snack Dress code: Formal attire (white tie) / evening gown Concert by Gunillaklockan: 21:00, which also will be transmitted through the Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio. THE AFTER PARTY Party after dinner: 21:30-02:00 Price: 200 SEK Midnight snack included Music will be provided by Attraktionsorkestern Dress code: formal (suit) Tickets to the party after dinner are sold until April 30th throughout Lyyti: Do you have any questions? Please contact: !

  • Allmänna Sången | Skönsång sedan 1830

    Allmänna Sången i Uppsala är Nordens äldsta akademiska kör. Sedan 1830 har kören drivit Sveriges sångtradition vidare och har målet inställt på framtiden. Welcome to Allmänna Sången! About Here on our page you'll find all the latest updates on upcoming performances and other events. Navigate our page through the menu above. Follow us on our social media or stream our music below: The choir Founded in 1830 and based in Uppsala, Sweden, Allmänna Sången is the oldest academic choir in Scandinavia. During its early years, the choir laid the foundation for many student traditions that persist in the bustling student culture of Uppsala. In 1963 Allmänna Sången, then a male voice choir, was remade into a mixed ensemble and has since developed into one of Sweden's most highly regarded mixed choirs. The choir holds several awards from international choir competitions, most recently from Slovenia in 2017, and often collaborates with prominent musicians. The choir can be heard at several regular performances throughout the year, such as the traditional spring concert or the Christmas concert at Uppsala Castle. Read our history: History View our concerts: Concerts The organisation Allmänna Sången is a non-profit organisation with the goal of achieving the highest possible musical and professional quality in all our activities, both towards our audience and among our members. Through constant development and strife for new expressions, we create new conditions for choral singing in Sweden's cultural life. In recent years, Allmänna Sången has placed great emphasis on promoting music written by women, who for centuries have been marginalised in the classical music sphere. One such initiative is ASAWCA -Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award- a composition competition for female composers. More on the competition: ASAWCA Our activities are dependent on the voluntary (unpaid) involvement by our members, and as a member you are involved in running the almost two hundred year old cultural heritage that Allmänna Sången represents The majority of Allmänna Sången's members have an area of responsibility in the choir or are involved, for example, as project managers. Any profits from our productions go back into the organisation to further enhance our concerts and cover costs. Program 2024/2025 30/11 & 1/12 Uppsala Castle Christmas at the Castle 14/12 Västerlövsta church Christmas in Västerlövsta 22/3 Bälinge church Concert with the Malva Quartet 23/3 Eric Ericson hall, Stockholm Concert with the Malva Quartet 30/4 Uppsala Castle Walpurgis ball and traditional spring celebration 10/5 University main building Spring concert 2025 30/8 Missionskyrkan, Uppsala Concert with Neuer Kammerchor 18/10 & 19/10 TBA Mörkerkonserter 2025 ASAWCA WINNER 2024 The winner of ASAWCA, the Anders Wall & Allmänna Sången Composition Award is Erika Hammarberg. The piece "En sådan kväll" was premiered at our spring concert the 4th of May. Read more about the winner here.

  • Allmänna Sången and Anders Wall Composition Award

    Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award is a composition competition for choir music aimed at women composers. The competition is international and targets women composers irrespective of profession or nationality. All entries will be reviewed by a reputable international jury. History Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award was announced for the first time in 2013, when Allmänna Sången celebrated fifty years as a mixed choir. In connection to the anniversary, the choir announced a competition for women composers, together with Anders Wall, aiming to highlight them and their work, and inspire the creation of new choir music. Since then, the competition has been arranged three more times. Previous winners 2014 – Sandskrift, Maria Löfberg 2016 – Speeches, Anna-Karin Klockar 2019 – The Black Monkey , Eva Holm Fosnæs 2021 – When Breathing Like a Bird , Gittan Glans 2024 – En sådan kväll , Erika Hammarberg Next competition ASAWCA 2027 will be announced in spring 2026. Follow us on social media for the latest updates on the upcoming competition.

  • Allmänna Sången and Anders Wall Composition Award

    Meet the jury Four well-renowned composers and conductors are the members of the jury deciding which one of the contestants who will be the winner of Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award 2019. December 31: st 2018 sets the final deadline for the contestants to contribute their works and then the exciting and exceptional task of finding a winner begins. Vaclovas Augustinas Vaclovas Augustinas is a Lithuanian conductor, composer and music pedagogue who since 1992 conducts the Vilnius City Municipal Choir "Jauna Muzika". Also, a full-time professor of the Lithuanian Academy for Music and Theatre, Mr. Augustinas is head of the department of composing. In the year 2010, Mr. Augustinas was awarded the Lithuanian National Culture and Art Prize. Maria Goundorina Maria Goundorina is from Novosskolniki, Russia. She began her music studies at the Ippolitov-Ivanov college and the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. After receiving her diplomas, Maria spent a few years in Austria where she studied at the University of Vienna. In the year 2005, Maria came to Stockholm to study choir conducting at the Royal College of Music for, among others, professors Anders Eby and Cecilia Rydinger Alin. Maria graduated in 2008 and was in November 2009 given the opportunity of conducting Allmänna Sången, the 27:th consecutive conductor. Robert Sund Robert Sund many talents in the arts of music has given him a strong and acclaimed position in the Swedish contemporary culture as well as abroad. During the many years conducting Allmänna Sången and the world famous male chorus Orphei Drängar, he also laid the foundation for the female chorus "La Cappella" as well as the youth chorus Uppsala Musikskolas kammarkör. He studied conducting for 17 years at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and has since been giving lectures and been a guest conductor for choirs all across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. He has been a participating member of several choral competitions all over the world and starred in an array of international festivals. In the year 1993, Robert was named the Conductor of the Year by the Swedish Conductors Association. Lone Larsen Lone Larsen, from Denmark, studied at the Nordjysk Musikkonservatorium in Aalborg, the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and at the Julliard Schooll of Music in New York. She is the artistic leader for VoNo (Voces Nordicae) - an ensemble consisting of 12 singers and has since its foundation in 1999 contributed to developing the contemporary choral music. Lone was head of the project "To have a voice" at Folkoperan in Stockholm and has been recurring as maestro at the same institute. As a freelancing conductor, she is often tasked with leading workshops and art projects internationally. Lone is a professor at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke Högskola and is also participating in the international project "Conducting 21C" at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity in Canada.

  • WALPURGIS BALL 2023 | Allmänna Sången

    Allmänna Sången Walpurgis Ball! As daylight returns and hearts and minds begin to thaw, it is time to welcome everyone to the traditional Walpurgis ball at Uppsala castle! The crown jewel of Swedish springtime celebrations opens once again to the public as part of the annual spring celebrations in Uppsala held on the last day of April. Organised by Almänna Sången, Scandinavia’s oldest academic choir, this year we celebrate the 200 year anniversary of the “spring celebrations” with traditional singing in the castle courtyard at 21:00. In 1822 “Vårsång”/”Spring song”, or “Våren är kommen”/”Spring has arrived”, was written by Arrhén von Kapfelmann to be performed for the first time during the spring celebrations of Walpurgis night in the hills of Uppsala castle in 1823. It was also the first time that choirs and choral music became a recurring part of the Uppsala residents’ spring celebration. This year’s Bicentennial Walpurgis Ball will take the form of being a greater celebration than ever where you are invited to join us in celebrating the arrival of spring. After the dinner, Allmänna Sången will be performing live through the Swedish broadcasting service Sveriges Radio at Gunillaklockan outside of Uppsala castle. The spring celebrations is a cooperation between Allmänna Sången, Kuratorskonventet, the municipality of Uppsala and the Swedish broadcasting service Sveriges Radio. This is a unique opportunity to experience a real ball at the castle with all the splendour you can imagine. You will be part of an evening of beautiful traditions, a three-course dinner, dancing to a big band, and making new memories for a lifetime. The ball is open to everyone above 18 years of age, and no student nation card is required. Let the fairy tale come true for a night and buy a ticket to the Walpurgis Ball with Allmänna Sången. DETAILS ABOUT THE BALL The gates open at 16:00 with an aperitif served thereafter. Dinner will be served at 17:00. Prices: 1190 SEK (ordinary ticket), 1690 SEK (golden ticket) The price includes an aperitif, three-course dinner incl. beverages and a ticket to the party after the dinner incl. midnight snack Dress code: white tie (tailcoat, white waistcoat and bowtie etc) / evening gown, with academic medals Tickets to the dinner are sold between Sunday fifth of March (5/3) until Wednesday 12th of April throughout Lyyti: Concert by Gunillaklockan: 21:00, which also will be transmitted through the Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio. The theme for this year's ball is inspired by the bicentenary and the idea of "a beautiful story", with further inspiration from the 1823 stories by Jane Austen and the "Regency" era in Great Britain. THE AFTER PARTY Party after dinner: 21:30-02:00 Price: 250 SEK Midnight snack included Music will be provided by Attraktionsorkestern Dress code: formal (suit) Tickets to the party after dinner are sold until May 1st throughout Lyyti: Do you have any questions? Please contact: !

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